
What is a husband? 
what is a wife?

what is a wife?

Aku terjumpa buku ini masa aku tengah proses buku koleksi peribadi DYMM Raja Zarith Sofea.**Coming soon at UTM library
Ok..seriously!tengok tajuk je dah buat aku rasa tertarik je nak baca isi nya kan..maybe aku bakal ada husband and aku bakal jadi isteri.

Meh aku kasi review buku ini sikit..

What is a Husband?
A husband should be felt and not heard-Yvonne Knight
A husband is the someone who lends you his darts-then goes mad if you beat him-Irene Zuckerman
A husband is the man you let think rules the roost-Kate Grant
A husband is the head,but his wife is the neck that turns it-Pan Grant
A husband is someone who wakes you up when the baby is crying-R M Walker
A husband is someone who has you mad one minute and purring the next-Irene Taylor
A husband is someone who has you mad one minute and purring the next-Irene Taylor
What is a Wife?
A wife is a washing machine on two legs-Brian White
A wife is a one-woman laundary-Jon Atkinson
A wife is a hot-water bottles with arms and legs
A wife always thinks of only three things:MONEY MONEY MONEY-H.Haines
Without her
Without her laughter a room
full of babbling peoples feels
cold and empty.
Without her I'd suddenly feel
forty-one years,two months and
eleven days old,afer all
Tey all think I'm tough,
successful even macho.Only she knows.
I'm weak, I'm like a lost puppy without her.
Without a wife husbands would
all look like Norman Wisdom.
A wife,good of bad,is a man's reason for trying,
for working and for trying.
Without her,old age would be a terrifying thought.
A bad wife needs a good husband to help her.
A bad husband needs a good wife to help him.
Absolutely agree with this statement
A bad wife needs a good husband to help her.
A bad husband needs a good wife to help him.
ialah bukan ke tujuan perkahwinan itu adalah saling lengkap melengkapi..kan..kan..kann
Apa yang penting kita kenalah dengan redha terima baik buruk pasangan kita baru la rumahtangga amann damai..
So, to my future husband
Saya harap awak dapat terima yang
saya ini tak cantik
saya ini tak lawa
saya ini tak pandai bergaya
saya ini tak pandai masak
saya ini degil
saya ini banyak cakap
saya ini..
saya itu..
dan yang paling pentingg..and awak kena terima!!
saya ini pandai ambil hati awak kan..kan..kan..

Apa yang penting kita kenalah dengan redha terima baik buruk pasangan kita baru la rumahtangga amann damai..

So, to my future husband

Saya harap awak dapat terima yang
saya ini tak cantik
saya ini tak lawa
saya ini tak pandai bergaya
saya ini tak pandai masak
saya ini degil
saya ini banyak cakap
saya ini..
saya itu..
dan yang paling pentingg..and awak kena terima!!
saya ini pandai ambil hati awak kan..kan..kan..

5 comments:!..sukee pulak baca:)
hohohoho...dah tak lama lg tu.tak pernah jumpa pon buku ni.hihih
Yg pLing penting takim kene terime yg bini die ade gg taring.. Get ready jela.. Terime seadanya.. Hahahaa..
fateha | suke iye ea..hiks!
arelan | buku koleksi Raja Zarith nih banyak luar negara punye..huhu
Yana | pergh..ayat..hahaha..sengal gile..
nice ayat2 tu~ :)
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